A new Adult comedy cabaret group based in Manchester.
It's that new, we only have 2 pages so far ! New site coming soon, so enjoy this simple information page and contact form which you can click to Top Right of the page.
The group is different to other "Am-Dram" groups and societies in the sense that we do not concentrate on one particular show per season. Rather, we create a cabaret style show, showcasing acting, singing and dancing mixed with a high degree of comedy.We like to twist things up a little !
Leading roles only exist if required, and when required we like to rotate who takes them, this way we eliminate any "favourites" syndrome. It also allows for greater diversity within each project, the members can set their own goals of what they would like to acheive, and the teachers are tasked with preparing each member to acheive that goal.
Supported by professional industry teachers, each rehearsal and performance really does have a professional edge and quality about it. Our teachers have worked extensivley in the cabaret arena both with professional and amateur groups previously, all reaching a high degree of success on every level.
The members of our group are over 18yrs of age and are from every walk of life imaginable. What they have in common is their sense of fun and 'no frills' approach to rehearsals. So you won't find any "ego's" pushing to take the limelight, it truly is a friendly group affair where the members support each other. Many new friendships have been created We have successfully cast all our members for our new production of "BURLY-ESQUE", An oriignal parody of the newly released movie starring Christna Aguilera and Cher.
The show itself will be staged in a professional venue and will be attended by industry professionals representing all tv and theatre disciplines. From acting, through singing, music and dance.SESSIONS
The sessions themselves will comprise of comedy sketches, singing and dance lessons. This does not mean you have to do all of them. We want to ensure you have been taught well enough in something you feel comfortable doing, we'll hoodwink you later on !For those of you reading this and can act, sing or dance, we will ensure that you are given material that will push you at your level.
.The groups ongoing sessions this year will be Wednesday evenings from 8pm - 10pm and the session costs are £5This money goes back into the group to help pay room and venue hire fees, the industry trained professional teachers, and costume budgets.
The rehearsal venue is the Dance Studio located in
Buille Hill Visual Arts College.Eccles Old Road Salford M6 8RD(see map at the below)
or indeed Email general@cabarade.co.uk