Monday, 31 October 2011



So, who knew that designing a poster could be so involved?
I think myself and Sue Jones who took the photos, worked on layer upon layer in photoshop, sent it to me, i sent it back, it got amended, sent back and so it went until we both got to the point where we were and happy, and done :) and i have to say i am so so happy with it, i think it looks amazing and it's exactly what i envisioned it to be. looking at the original poster for the movie Burlesque and you'll see what i mean !

Having a great poster really makes a difference i think, and it's catching the eyes of those who are seeing it, so much so that we sold over 100 tickets in the first week !! 
We still have an awful long way to go on ticket sales, and i just hope and pray now that we can sell enough to give the cast the audience it deserves. but i also know it's like getting blood out of a stone sometimes, but the cast and crew and working really hard on making this happen.

So i would love to have feedback on our poster and if you have seen it around.let me know.

i can't thank Sue enough, and she knows it 'cos i've told her at least a dozen times, but you should check her website out to as her photo edits are really rather cool :)

Friday, 26 August 2011

North or South Pole

So today i have a fab rehearsal with Marie & christine at Marie's house, lots and lots of belly laughs over how nipples can turn into liquorice torpedoes over a tray of usherette ices!

I come home and during my online social media connecting marathon (a whole other story) i post to the groups how the girls in the cast will be taking Burlesque Pole dancing classes in September, i find this photo of one of our members !

Oh my god ! too funny ! i had no idea that she already takes pole classes and i thought this pic was just priceless and maybe a sign of things to come??

She's well proud of it, as i am of her but i can't help think tsome other members captured in similar pics will be followed up with shots of the ambulance arriving; smiliing with a paramedic during the fitting of the neckbrace.

I have to get a camera in that studio !!

Thursday, 25 August 2011

Where am i upto?

Exactly where am i upto again? I know right now i have Beyonce playing in my ears, singing Love on top, on repeat and what's funny, is that it's such an upbeat song, with at least 5 key changes, that even when i think i've climbed up the ladder of progess and then hit a wall, she's right there taking me up another couple of rungs. Thanks Beyonce x

So, where am i upto again? I'm looking around on my pc today and realised that my folders are copulating or something, they are growing in numbers, so i'm going through them to see what i can delete.

There's scripts; defo need those, running order;yep need that; lyric sheets, props lists, budget sheets, costume lists; memebrs data and yes, i need all those folders. Bugger !

Again, where am i upto? I look around and my mission on my week off from work is to book a venue and do all the costings, and that progress took at least 3 key changes !!  In an ideal world 1 would do me, but then i can't make people answer emails and return phone calls, at least the call to the Arts Council was fruitfull.
The guy on the phone was excellent, gave me hope, a bit of incentive to fill the forms in and get that going proper. So, back to the folders...
Key change!!!  i had forgotten just how many documents i'd downloaded for that, hmmm, not sure a week off work is going to cut it, that's my spare hours taken up. Still at least i've sky plussed Holby City, i can catch up when the mental breakdown kicks in.

I don't want to paint a stressful picture for stressful picture sakes, but i was talking to two of the group members who popped in to pick up some tutorial DVD's i'd made for the dance routines, and during the chats we had, i listed all the things as Artistic Director i was responsible for and the things i had to do. After, another coffee i realised i was right where i needed to be. In the thick of it and loving it.

So, those forms will be completed and sent off, that venue is getting booked tomorrow, my new burlesque/pole teacher will be hearing from me. My cast will be getting the third and final act in september. I remember looking at my ipod play counts for Beyonce, and during the writing of act2 i'd surpassed the 1100 mark :) that's a lot of key changes.

Where am i upto? i'd say i'm about 5000 key changes in , and probably the same amount to go again :)